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The Importance of Direct Mail and Print during an Outbreak

The Importance of Direct Mail and Print during an Outbreak

Boy looking for direct mail

With the number of sales emails sent weekly still well above pre-COVID levels and the response rates still well below according to HubSpot, you may be asking yourself— “what do we do now?” The truth is the answer is already in the strategy you created before the ensuing chaos—direct mail and print. Channels that create physical connections in an (almost) entirely digital context are essential to setting your brand apart from the massive amounts of digital mail (or junk as we discussed in our earlier blog When digital strategy becomes digital junk) that is piling up in your target audience’s inbox.  

Direct mail and print marketing offer many benefits for your brand. Aside from differentiation, these channels offer higher response rates, higher brand recognition, and a return on investment (ROI) that rivals social media. Their impact is significant, but more importantly, their impression is personal, a virtue in the remote setting many are currently living in. The unique thing about direct mail and print, is that their individualized touch goes deeper than the personalization of the written brand messaging. They express qualities that are often both acquired and innate. 

3 Key Subliminal Messages Direct Mail and Print Communicate during a Pandemic: 

  1. Trustworthiness: Uncertainty breeds doubt, and the COVID-19 pandemic is nothing if not uncertain. Infusing authenticity in every component of your strategy, down to the medium and delivery method, will bolster the credibility of your brand immenselyAccording to  marketingsherpa 82% of respondents said that they trusted print marketing (#1) when making a purchasing decision and 76% said that they trusted direct mail marketing (#3). Utilizing direct mail and print marketing will allow your consumers and prospects to feel confident they are making the right decision when making a purchase with your brand. 
  2. Accessibility: During a pandemic when your consumers have more on their minds than ever before, it pays to make your content easily understoodDirect mail requires 21% less mental effort to process than email. Sending out a piece of direct mail will make interacting with your brand a more enjoyable experience, therefore making it more likely that they will read your message and choose your brand when making a purchase.  
  3. Appreciation: As mentioned above, sales email sends are at an all-time high. Just as you run the risk of being lost in the noise by limiting your tactics to email and digital alone, you also run the risk of leaving your target audience feeling inconsequential. According to Forbes, 57% of those surveyed said that direct mail marketing makes them feel more valued. Rather than feeling like one in many, a piece of postal mail will make your consumers and prospects feel like their business is truly appreciated and important to your brand. 

In a time that is as fragile as this, authenticity is vital to your brand and tangible channels are just the method for making your audience feel your credibility rather than simply hearing about it. This does not mean you should ditch your email and digital tactics altogether. This all just goes to say that in a time of crisis, investing in physical marketing tactics is imperative to your marketing success. Use direct mail and print tactics as pieces of an omnichannel marketing strategy. After all, 72% of those surveyed say that they prefer to connect with brands through multiple channels before making a purchase. 

Have you been neglecting the direct mail and print channels of your marketing strategy? Speak with one of our experts to learn how Triptych and The Marek Group can help. 

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