Who are we?

We’ve seen too many inefficiencies fly under the radar and hold companies back. Our expertise in through-channel marketing and field sales support enables small marketing teams to support distributed sales forces at scale.

Healthcare Industry

Support: Required for Sales and Imperative to Optimizing the Marketing Pipeline

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Sales Support Your
Whole Team Will Appreciate

Your sales force and distributed marketing team will regard Triptych as an advanced resource management solution. Your C-Suite Executives will recognize resolved compliance issues, growth in efficiencies, and significant increases in ROI.

5 marketers to 1,500 distributed sales agents, impossible? Not with Triptych.

When small marketing teams are asked to service thousands or tens-of-thousands of field sales agents, scalability is crucial. Without proper scaling, either the squeaky wheel gets the grease, or only top performing agents receive the support they need—neither of which are sufficient for optimizing sales productivity.

  • On average, a third of a marketer’s time is spent completing repetitive tasks.

  • The average B2B firm spends an extra $120k per year on headcount to produce the same volume of content as a firm that invested in content efficiency.

  • Sales agents spend on average 440 hours per year searching for the right content and up to 50% of the content used is created by the agents themselves.

Scaling your healthcare marketing resources is key to lessening the burden on field marketing teams and delivering sufficient sales support. Centralizing all marketing content into a single sales portal with desktop and mobile accessibility relieves marketers from fielding repeated individual requests for the same piece of content and supports your entire field sales force with on-demand pre-approved customizable content. The platform enables you to provide every agent with the experience of a personal marketing assistant without overburdening the marketing team or drastically increasing headcount.




Be confident in your marketing mix: useful, accessible, relevant.

Not only are agents potentially wasting nearly half their time trying to find the right sales material—often never finding what they’re looking for—but they may also be ignoring up to 80% of the content generated by marketing, even though most of it’s created for sales and channel enablement.

Combatting these insufficiencies requires an eagle eye view of your entire organization to track spending, productivity, and marketing resource ROI. Triptych’s robust business intelligence tools connect with your ERP to create real-time dashboards that provide that holistic view of how your marketing resources are being managed, spent, and optimized.

Triptych’s omnichannel visibility and real-time reporting and in-depth analytics illustrate which content is performing well and which isn’t, so your marketing team can strategically invest their resources for optimal impact. Having one platform to deliver the right content in the right format will put your agents back in the field where you want them—having meaningful facetime with customers.


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